Coming to Collegium Occidentalis on November 18!!!
To compete to become the Kingdom of the West’s next Arts and Sciences Champion, you must enter at least one item in each of these four categories:
• Practical Science: A science that is not necessarily a trade. Includes making textiles, cooking, weaving, brewing.
• Technical Science: A science that is a trade or would require learning from a professional. Includes woodwork, metalwork, leatherwork, glasswork
• Performing Art: An art you present to an audience. May be original or period
• Fine Art: A visual art used primarily or solely for aesthetic beauty. Includes clothing, calligraphy, oil painting, illumination, needlework.
AND supply a fifth entry…
• Research Paper or Masterwork: A substantial piece of academic writing using independent research into a topic with a description of the findings of that research. Or a piece using at least 3 of the 4 previous categories. (A research paper could be any length; most judges appreciate it being less than 10 pages. Keep in mind that a research paper should cover a single discrete topic. If one finds one’s paper going on for pages, then one might consider narrowing ones topic thesis.)
The victor in the Pentathalon will be invested as Kingdom A&S Champion at 12th Night! For more information about the post of A&S Champion, please see…/laws-kingdom-west, Article IV, Section 7.5
Come, take this Championship from me!!
(thanks to Krysta of Starfall for most of the words.)
– Heidi, Guild Minister