Three Hundred Years of Embroidery 1600-1900: Treasures from the Collection of the Embroiderer’s Guild of Great Britain
Johnstone, Pauline
Wakefield Press, South Australia, 1986
Ms. Johnstone was on the curatorial staff of the Dept of Textiles at the V&A. This is a wonderful survey of needlework and its links to the changes in art. This is in part the predecessor book to Treasures From the Embroiderers Guild, but some items differ and the focus of the books differs. SB
Three Hundred Years of Embroidery 1600-1900: Treasures from the Collection of the Embroiderer’s Guild of Great Britain
Three Hundred Years of Embroidery 1600-1900: Treasures from the Collection of the Embroiderer’s Guild of Great Britain published on Read more posts by the author of Three Hundred Years of Embroidery 1600-1900: Treasures from the Collection of the Embroiderer’s Guild of Great Britain, wkneedleNo Comments on Three Hundred Years of Embroidery 1600-1900: Treasures from the Collection of the Embroiderer’s Guild of Great Britain