(Click here to view Guild Patrons)
~ Ministers (Officers) ~
Ascelin Meere of Ravenslocke
Guild Minister
Shire of Teufelberg, Principality of the Mists
Concord, CA
Evaine ni MacGreger
Barony of Shadowed Stars, Midrealm
Fort Wayne, IN
~ Mentors ~
Baroness Sabrina de la Bere, OP, OL
Guild Patron
Barony of the Westermark, Principality of the Mists
El Granada, CA
Baroness Jania of Call Duck Manor, OL, OP
Honorary Guild Patron
Principality of the Mists, Shire of Crosston
Palo Alto, CA
Baroness Aldith Angharad St. George, OL, OP
Shire of Teufelberg
Walnut Creek, CA