Medieval Embroidery. includes “The Technique of European Pictorial Embroidery in the Middle Ages”, “Genres of European Pictorial Embroidery in the Middle Ages”, and “The Importance of Figural Embroidery in the Middle Ages”
Kurth, B.
Ciba Limited, Basle, Switzerland, 1945
Good for research. SB
Medieval Embroidery. includes “The Technique of European Pictorial Embroidery in the Middle Ages”, “Genres of European Pictorial Embroidery in the Middle Ages”, and “The Importance of Figural Embroidery in the Middle Ages”
Medieval Embroidery. includes “The Technique of European Pictorial Embroidery in the Middle Ages”, “Genres of European Pictorial Embroidery in the Middle Ages”, and “The Importance of Figural Embroidery in the Middle Ages” published on Read more posts by the author of Medieval Embroidery. includes “The Technique of European Pictorial Embroidery in the Middle Ages”, “Genres of European Pictorial Embroidery in the Middle Ages”, and “The Importance of Figural Embroidery in the Middle Ages”, wkneedleNo Comments on Medieval Embroidery. includes “The Technique of European Pictorial Embroidery in the Middle Ages”, “Genres of European Pictorial Embroidery in the Middle Ages”, and “The Importance of Figural Embroidery in the Middle Ages”