Guild Meeting at March Crown 2013: Time 2pm, place A & S Pavilion
Agenda: The last three and a half years as your Guild Minister have been wonderful.
You guys are so creative and amazing it made my job a breeze. But all good things do have to come to an end, so more good things with others can happen! The time has come for me to pass the torch and get some new blood in to this job 🙂 I reached out to the Mentors of the Guild and suggested a successor for me, and received a positive response to my suggestion so:
I and the Mentors of the Guild have nominated the Lady Jocelyn of Rowenwood to be the next West Kingdom Needlework’s Guild Minister, to be voted on and approved at this Saturday’s meeting. I am very excited about all the organization skills and background with the guild that Jocelyn brings to the table. I think she would do a marvelous job!
Please bring chairs!!!
Agenda is as follows;
1) Sabrina – Rose pouch update.
2) Sorcha – Royal napkin update.
3) Isela & Katherine – West An Tir Cloak 2014 Project Update
4) Sabrina and Ellen – Project update; Replacement Royal Throne Cushions.
5) June Meeting – A&S lunch meeting or June Crown?
6) Broider Program – Come show off what you’ve done!
8) Vote on New Guild Minister