This weekend, the West Kingdom Needleworkers Guild will host Salon at West Kingdom Crown! Salon begins after Invocation and continues until Semi-Finals. Bring your needlework and current work to show us all as we visit and work on our various projects. Needleworker Guild business updates will be shared shortly after Invocation, so be sure to make the first part of Salon, or miss out!
We’re delighted to announce that a class in Beginning Embroidery will be led by Katherine de Langelei at the Salon. This is a free class, open to everyone. If you have a project you’re stuck on, come to class! Would you like to make a Favor, but don’t know how to get started? Come to class! It’s free and we’re friendly (please bring a seat to sit upon.)
After Invocation, look for the Salon Sign on the List Field at our Patroness Catherine of Wessex’s Dragonwing and be welcomed!