Cut-Work Embroidery and How to Do It
Cave, Oenone
Dover, New York, 1963
ISBN# 0-486-24267-6
Not for the faint of heart. While the book does walk through the main stitches and steps, it really only is clear with lots of practice or after having taken a class on the subject. Wonderful period plates of needle-lace. SB
Posts categoriezed as Whitework
An Introduction to Hardanger Embroidery
An Introduction to Hardanger Embroidery
Search Press
Search Press, Kent, 1994
ISBN# 0-85532-782-0
Clear pictures, descriptions, and patterns for this technique. Remember that Hardanger is post 1600. SB
A Notebook of Pulled Thread Stitches
A Notebook of Pulled Thread Stitches
Bennett, Eileen
self, Jenison MI, 1999
In addition to clear diagrams, she discusses the where, how, and when stitches were used. SB
Pulled Thread: A Tangled Web
Is This Stitch Period? (#14 Of A Series)
Pulled thread: a tangled web
by Sabrina de la Bere, Guild Patron
Whitework is a modern term for most embroidery on white linen (or cotton) worked with a white thread (linen, cotton, silk). There are many forms of whitework, but the form we are concentrating on in this survey is pulled work.Continue reading Pulled Thread: A Tangled Web