History of Lace
Palliser, Mrs. Bury
Dover, Mineola NY, 1984
ISBN# 0-486-24742-2
A republishing of the 1875 classic. Wonderful plates of lace including some pre-1600 and some reticella. Also includes a major listing of historic pattern books and how to interprete those plates. Several sections cover lace in pre-1600 western europe. SB
Posts categoriezed as Whitework
Hemstitching : An American School of Needlework Excellence in Instruction Pamphlet # 3403
Hemstitching : An American School of Needlework Excellence in Instruction Pamphlet # 3403
Scoular, Marion
American School of Needlework, San Marcos, 1989
ISBN# 0-88195-230-3
The bible on how-to do hemstitching. SB
Hems, Edges, and Fancy Borders
Hems, Edges, and Fancy Borders
Altherr, Ilse
self, Lancaster PA,
If you are planning on doing napkins, a tablecloth, or handkerchief, this is the book for you. Step by step through a number of different edgings for household linens. A good book for finishing touches. SB
Hardanger Revisited
Hardanger Revisited
Kliot, Jules & Kaethe, Ed.
Lacis Publications, Berkeley CA, 1999
ISBN# 1-891656-13-9
A reprint of 3 booklets from1900-1924 – “Old and New Designs in Hardanger”, “The Priscilla Hardanger Book”, and “The Pricilla Hardanger Book, Book 2” plus additional materials. While developed post 1600, it is rooted in Reticella, and the techniques and patterns would be good pre-work for doing reticella. SB
Hardanger: Basics and Beyond
Hardanger: Basics and Beyond
Love, Janice
self, Athens GA, 1995
Clear diagrams and steps. This book goes one better than most – it tells you when you make a mistake and how to fix it. Remember that Hardanger is post 1600. SB
Drawn Thread Work, 2nd Series, DMC Library
Drawn Thread Work, 2nd Series, DMC Library
De Dillmont, Th., ed.
Sociète à Responsabilité Limitée, Mulhouse France
How to do many different types of drawn work including insertion, grounds and openwork in various styles. Useful in connection with a historic pattern book, but a difficult pamphlet to get. Contains more historic patterns than 1st in the series, but no information on how-to do the stitches or breakdown the patterns which is contained in the 1st. SB
Drawn Thread Work, 1st Series, DMC Library
Drawn Thread Work, 1st Series, DMC Library
De Dillmont, Th., ed.
Sociète à Responsabilité Limitée, Mulhouse France
How to do many different types of drawn work including insertion, grounds and openwork in various styles. Excellent how to do the stitches and how to breakdown the patterns to a workable project. Useful in connection with a historic pattern book, but a difficult pamphlet to get. SB
Drawn Thread Embroidery
Drawn Thread Embroidery
McNeill, Moyra
Henry Holt and Company, New York, 1989
ISBN# 0-8050-1406-3
Excellent how-to with clear stitch descriptions and diagrams. SB
Drawn Fabric Embroidery
Drawn Fabric Embroidery
Wark, Edna
Batsford, London, 1979
ISBN# 0 7134 1477 4
Clear pics and diagrams of hemstitching. Clear diagrams with working hints on pulled stitches. Includes some stitches I haven’t found elsewhere. SB
Danish Pulled Thread Embroidery
Danish Pulled Thread Embroidery
Fangel, Esther, Ida Winckler & Agnete Wuldern Madsen
Dover, New York, 1977
ISBN# 0-486-23474-6
Very clear descriptions of stitches and stitch techniques. While they are working from items dated around 1760, the stitches and patterns are much older. Many of the projects shown can with little modification be used for Opus Teutenicum and other historical work. SB