100 Blackwork Charts
Skinner, Linn
self, Los Angeles, 1996
100 patterns taken from 16th and 17th C. textiles at the V&A or the Fitzwilliam. For ease of description she has given them names, but don’t let that confuse you. Excellent source. SB
Posts categoriezed as Counted Thread
Cross Stitch on Linen — Patterns from Spain and France
This article is a companion piece to Cross: Cultural and first appeared
in the Guild newsletter, the Filum Aureum, Spring 2002.All graphics are clickable and linked to larger pictures.
Cross Stitch on Linen — Patterns from Spain and France
by Christian de Holacombe
These patterns are taken from the inner pillowcases, made of linen, that were found inside more elaborately worked outer covers on cushions from the 13th and 14th century royal tombs at the monastery of Las Huelgas, near Burgos in Spain. The originals are worked in red or black silk in a combination of long armed cross stitch (the straight lines) and simple cross stitch (points and isolated stitches).Continue reading Cross Stitch on Linen — Patterns from Spain and France
Cross: Cultural
What Stitch is Period (#1 in a series)
One of the most frequently asked questions in the Guild is, “What stitches are period?” This article, the first in this series, will concentrate on the basic stitch of the misunderstood stitch family of Cross Stitch.
This article first appeared in the Guild newsletter, The Filum Aureum, Spring 2002.
Cross: Cultural
by Christian de Holacombe
Cross stitch is many people’s firstintroduction to modern embroidery, and a pleasant one it is. The stitch itself is quite simple – just rows of X’s – although of course there are refinements you can learn later. But once you master the mental ‘twist’ that lets you translate dark and light squares on a chart into X’s across thread intersections on cloth, you can follow any chart and cover just about anything with your embroidery.Continue reading Cross: Cultural