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The Picture Book of Brasses in Gilt

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The Picture Book of Brasses in Gilt
Trivick, Henry
Charles Scribners Sons, New York, 1971
ISBN# 684-13099-8
Beautiful book of the brass rubbings. Chapters include sections on academic dress; armour; heraldry; ladies; ecclesiastics; vestments; inscriptions etc. CL

Textiles in the Art Institute of Chicago

Textiles in the Art Institute of Chicago published on No Comments on Textiles in the Art Institute of Chicago

Textiles in the Art Institute of Chicago
Mayer Thurman, Christa C.
The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, 1992
ISBN# 08109-3856-1
Wonderfully detailed pictures of needleworked pieces and textiles, many of which are pre-1600. Many of the pictures are detailed enough to decern stitches used and to make charts. SB

Mittelalterliche Textilien in Kirchen und Klostern der Schweiz Katalog

Mittelalterliche Textilien in Kirchen und Klostern der Schweiz Katalog published on No Comments on Mittelalterliche Textilien in Kirchen und Klostern der Schweiz Katalog

Mittelalterliche Textilien in Kirchen und Klostern der Schweiz Katalog
Brigitta Schmedding
Stampfli & Cie Ag , Bern Switzerland, 1978
ISBN# 3-7272-9682-8
Text is all in German. Lots of pictures of period fabric, knitted reliquary bags and needlework. CL

Heraldry for Embroiderers

Heraldry for Embroiderers published on No Comments on Heraldry for Embroiderers

Heraldry for Embroiderers
Lugg, Vicki & Willcocks, John
B.T. Batsford Ltd., London, 1990
ISBN# 0-7134-6367-8
Includes a good but brief overview of heraldry, but is mostly useful in its 2nd half which assists the embroiderer with interpreting heraldic designs for needlework. Useful for an intermediate needleworker. SB

Designing for Needlepoint and Embroidery from Ancient and Primitive Sources

Designing for Needlepoint and Embroidery from Ancient and Primitive Sources published on No Comments on Designing for Needlepoint and Embroidery from Ancient and Primitive Sources

Designing for Needlepoint and Embroidery from Ancient and Primitive Sources
Messent, Jan
Macmillan Publishing Co, New York, 1976
ISBN# 0-02-584431-8
A good book on taking a design and translating that design concept into needlework. However for our purposes this takes the designs into what might have been NOT what was and thus, while interesting it is not useful for the historic embroider. SB

The Relics of Saint Cuthbert

The Relics of Saint Cuthbert published on No Comments on The Relics of Saint Cuthbert

The Relics of Saint Cuthbert
printed for the Dean and Chapter of Durham Cathedral
University Press, Oxford, 1956
Everything you could ever want to know about the fabrics how they were loomed; the needlework even down to how the braid was hand woven. Also discusses other personal items that had belonged to St. Cuthbert. Includes many photos and graphs. CL [Note: good Interlibrary Loan book. SB

Church Needlework: A Manual of Practical Instruction

Church Needlework: A Manual of Practical Instruction published on No Comments on Church Needlework: A Manual of Practical Instruction

Church Needlework: A Manual of Practical Instruction
Hands, Hinda M.
G. J. Palmer & Sons, London, 1907
A excellent source for understanding the techniques used in church embroidery including metal thread, applique, silk, and couched thread. The pieces of church attire for the pastor and church are clearly explained. For the non-christian this made understanding so many of the historical garment easier. SB

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