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Broderia Medievala Romaneasca

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Broderia Medievala Romaneasca
Musicescu, Maria Ana
Bucharest, Romania, 1969
This book is primarily of Romanian medieval embroidery. There is a paragraph about each in Romanian and clear plates, most in B&W and a few in color with wonderful detail pictures. SB

Broderies: Historiées Du Moyen Age et de la Renaissance: Musees Royaux d’Art et d’Histoire Bruxelles

Broderies: Historiées Du Moyen Age et de la Renaissance: Musees Royaux d’Art et d’Histoire Bruxelles published on No Comments on Broderies: Historiées Du Moyen Age et de la Renaissance: Musees Royaux d’Art et d’Histoire Bruxelles

Broderies: Historiées Du Moyen Age et de la Renaissance: Musees Royaux d’Art et d’Histoire Bruxelles
Throne, Georges ed.
Brussles, Belgium, 1959
From an exhibit of 13th-16th C. items. All are heavily embroidered items for church use. B&W pictures with very clear detail. In French. SB

Alte Textilien: Eine Auswahl Aus Den Bestanden Des Basdischen Landesmuseums

Alte Textilien: Eine Auswahl Aus Den Bestanden Des Basdischen Landesmuseums published on No Comments on Alte Textilien: Eine Auswahl Aus Den Bestanden Des Basdischen Landesmuseums

Alte Textilien: Eine Auswahl Aus Den Bestanden Des Basdischen Landesmuseums
Schnellbach, Rudolf, director
Badisches Landesmuseum, Karlsruhe, Germany, 1957
Survey of 20 textiles, primarily woven, with some embroidery and lace. Text in German by Eva Zimmerman. SB

A Visual History of Costume: The Sixteenth Century

A Visual History of Costume: The Sixteenth Century published on No Comments on A Visual History of Costume: The Sixteenth Century

A Visual History of Costume: The Sixteenth Century
Ashelford, Jane
Batsford, London, 1983
ISBN# 0 7134 6828 9
Wonderful survey of costume, with plates showing portraits clear enough to copy the embroidery. SB

A Pictorial History of Embroidery

A Pictorial History of Embroidery published on No Comments on A Pictorial History of Embroidery

A Pictorial History of Embroidery
Schuette, Marie and Müller-Christensen, Sigrid
Frederick A. Praeger, New York, 1964
Out of print & between $250-$500 but worth every penney. Good close-ups of the stitches. Not too many color photos but excellent B&W ones. Good descriptions and stitch diagrams. Good documentation & research of historical pieces. IB
Note that this book was printed several times in different countries with slightly different titles. SB

A Book of Old Embroidery with Articles by A. F. Kendrick

A Book of Old Embroidery with Articles by A. F. Kendrick published on No Comments on A Book of Old Embroidery with Articles by A. F. Kendrick

A Book of Old Embroidery with Articles by A. F. Kendrick, Louisa F. Pesel, & E. W. Newberry
Holme, Geoffrey, Ed.
The Studio, Ltd., London, 1921
The book is a survey of world embroidery with comments by the main experts of the time. The pictures include a number of textiles from the 14th-16th C with commentary on stitches, threads, and ground fabrics. Many items are from private collections. Good research material. SB

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