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The Guild Thanks Mistress Sabrina de le Bere, OP, OL

The Guild Thanks Mistress Sabrina de le Bere, OP, OL published on

Today we thank Mistress Sabrina de le Bere, OP, OL, for her decades of service to the West Kingdom Needleworker’s Guild. Her time of service reaches into the previous century as Guild Minister, mentor, teacher and administrator of the Rose Pouch Program. She has worked tirelessly to promote needle arts in the West Kingdom. She passes us the torch of carrying the Rose Pouches forward as she steps back to a well-earned rest. I hope she won’t rest too long and that she will be available to mentor and teach once she’s rested.

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We’ll announce who’s picking up the torch later this week. I want to hold some space in this post to thank Sabrina for her unflagging support.

Guild Minister Ascelin

ANNOUNCEMENT: Rose Pouches to be Presented in Court

ANNOUNCEMENT: Rose Pouches to be Presented in Court published on

I am informing you of a change I’ve made after consulting with the Kingdom Seneschal, Royalty, Embroidery laurels, Ladies of the Rose (these are former queens to those who are new to our group), and active members of the guild who don’t hold peerages but who are engaged in supporting the guild and teaching.

Starting with Beltane last weekend and moving forward, the Rose Pouch will be presented during the Rose Ceremony. Just as it’s done in the Principality courts and similar to how the Rose Scroll is presented by the scribes, it will be shown to the populace with acknowledgment to the artisan and presented by myself or a Lady of the Rose to the new member of the Order.

Rose Pouches for the Queen Project

Rose Pouches for the Queen Project published on
Stitched by Katherine de Langelei for HRM Sof’ia

Good morning, my friends. Here’s a picture of the Rose Pouch that was done by Mistress Kathryn de Langlei, one of our former guild ministers. If you wonder about how big the silk stitches were in SCA period, Kathryn can show you. Magnifique!

Guild Minister Ascelin

A yellow bag with a long strap laying on a green measuring board. The bag has a red rose on a white patch with a green border embroidered into the center.

Rose Pouches for Our Queens Project

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A dark rose gold bag with a braided string handle and green tassels in the lower corners on a white table. The bag has a red rose surrounded by rose hips on short stems embroidered into the center.
Rose Pouch for Her Grace Jitka embroidered by Khalidah

This last weekend, the West Kingdom Needleworkers presented Her Grace Jitka with not 1 but 2 Rose Pouches. Her prior pouch went walk about prior to her receipt. The light gold one was made by new to our group, Petra/Cheryl Mellor. The dark gold was made by Khalidah/ Dominique Griffard. Her Grace promptly adopted both and used them the rest of the weekend. Thank you to Petra and Khalidah for their beautiful and useful work.

The Rose Pouch project officially started in 2003 and has delivered 3 pouches every year since (except during Covid). The Queens of the West prize their pouches and the artistry is breathtaking.

Sabrina de la Bere

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Rose Pouches for our Queens Project

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Rose pouch created, embroidered, and band woven by Lux

This weekend HRM Ciar was presented her Rose Pouch. The pouch was created, embroidered, and band woven by Lux.

The Rose Pouch for Our Queen started in 2003 and has continuously presented pouches since. I have one left and then we will need more artisans to step up to make them. Each and every one has been well appreciated by the recipient and become a treasured possession. If you are interested in learning more – visit the files section for the requirements for creating this bit of art, or message me. Thank you to the past and future embroiderers.

Sabrina de la Bere

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12th Night Artisans Display 2023

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An opportunity to share and network!

2023 Twelfth Night Artisan Display

We welcome all non-laurels artisans who would like to present their artistry along with their documentation, (if you have it) to join us. We encourage all Laurels to visit the presenters’ displays and talk with the artisans about their work; and perhaps leave a token of appreciation. We hope that the populace will also attend, to see the work of this Kingdom’s up and coming artisans.

Artisans will be expected to sit with their displays. This is a perfect time to have your art seen by so many more than you would any other time. The prime opportunity to learn and grow your art. From here you have all year to pick, choose, create or borrow back the best of your best and really plan to make your display shine!!

Artisans – please let know of your planned attendance by sending your SCA name, Mundane name and general field of display, by December 1, 2022, to Micheila MacCallum (Kim Gallagher via Facebook) or email.

Depending on the number of attendees we expect to have ½ table per participant. If you need more, please let me know and as space allows I will do my best to make it happen. More details in the upcoming months.

Questions should be addressed to: Mistress Micheila MacCallum

** A notebook to take notes with, water, snacks, and headache meds. This is a wonderful time to grow your art. The Laurels coming through as well as others are going to have information for you. They will help you make connections. You don’t want to miss anything.

Rose Pouches for our Queens Project

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As we begin to move back to a regular schedule of events, it is time to refresh the Rose Pouches for our Queens list of volunteers. For those not familiar with this, we – The Guild – give a rose pouch to the Queen; usually right before she steps down. The pouch is tagged with information about the embroiderer, but this is a service project so the gift is from the Guild and presented, usually, by a representative of the Guild. The pattern and further information is in the attached files to this group.

We need volunteers to continue this tradition. Please look at the file and let me know if you are willing to help. We need 3 each year and need deliveries to me, as coordinator, to begin again this year to cover 2022/3.

The project began in 2003 and every Queen since then has received one to commemorate her reign. They are very prized possessions. At 12th Night 2020 we had a display which you can see more of on Facebook.

Sabrina de la Bere

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  • A yellow bag with a long strap laying on a green measuring board. The bag has a red rose on a white patch with a green border embroidered into the center.

Challenge Time! West Antir War Cloaks

Challenge Time! West Antir War Cloaks published on No Comments on Challenge Time! West Antir War Cloaks

Every other year, the WKNG creates a beautiful cloak for the W/AT War. The last two years were subsumed by the pandemic, but this year, IT’S WAR!!!The ever talented Signy Jólinnardóttir created the last and much beloved West Kingdom war cloak. Will you be the creatrix this year? Have your artwork cherished and flaunted by someone for the rest of their life.

All your creation expenses are covered by the WKNG, leaving you free to create without a concern for financial ability. The cloak is traditionally a rectangular or square wool cloth with Viking-oid embroidery in a subject of the embroiderers choosing.

The challenge? You only have four months (due by June) to create. Who will create the War Cloak?! Will it be you!?

Heidi von der Bergen, Guildmistress

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2018 West Antir War Cloak made by Signy Jólinnardóttir

Rose Pouches for our Queens Project

Rose Pouches for our Queens Project published on No Comments on Rose Pouches for our Queens Project

June C 2019 due – Katherine de Langelei
Oct C 2019 due – Monie A. Bryan
March C 2020 due – open!
June C 2020 due – Katherine de Langelei
Oct C 2020 due – open!

“Extra” pouches – target date 12th Night 2019 (still pending) – Judy Pearce, Liz de Belcaire, Shannon McSmithThis project is to provide a pouch for each Queen who reigns on her stepdown. The guidelines are in a document in our file section. They are treasured by those who receive them and well used. The Queen is told who the maker is when the pouch is delivered in private to the Queen.
If you are interested in participating in this project or have any questions, please let me know. Thank-you!

Hero’s Cloak for West AnTir War 2018

Hero’s Cloak for West AnTir War 2018 published on No Comments on Hero’s Cloak for West AnTir War 2018

Hello Fellow Needleworkers!

Every other year, one of our exceptional West Kingdom Needleworkers Guild members volunteers to make the Hero’s cloak for West AnTir War. (The second years are created by the An Tirian Needleworkers Guild for awarding to a Western fighter.) This cloak is treasured and worn by a fortunate An Tirian warrior who is fortunate not only in war, but also to receive such fine work in reward of their heroic efforts.

Let it come to your attention that the 2018 W/AT Hero’s War Cloak was finished with incredible skill by Mistress Signy Jólinnardóttir, OL!

Worked over a span of five months, the cloak is truly a work of art made with great heart and love for our society for no recompense other than the gratitude of her society and the furtherance of our Dream. May all play with as large a heart and with as much skill as Mistress Jólinnardóttir! She has made an Heroic Work!

All Hail the creative talent of Mistress Signy Jólinnardóttir and the West AnTir Hero’s Cloak for 2018! Her needle flies truer and more swiftly than many a sword!

(This message brought to you by the West Kingdom Needleworkers Guild. We make life beautiful!)

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