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October Crown, 2022

October Crown, 2022 published on 1 Comment on October Crown, 2022

Hello my Fierce Stabby Friends,

Summary: Planned activities and looking for teacher


I was going to teach a class on mounting embroidery at Oct Crown, but the tendonitis in my left hand has hit critical and I’m in too much pain to teach this class. (Surgery is scheduled for October 5). Is anyone interested in teaching? If we don’t get a teaching volunteer, I was thinking we could do a round-table of “lessons learned” and share our knowledge. For example, that pen that says the ink washes out? Test it first. I didn’t and there were tears and cursing. I would love to collect everyone’s advice and post it here. (Even if we’ve done it before)

I am still camping and putting up the sunshade. You are welcome to come and do art all day in the shade.

  • I would like to host a meet & greet. We could maybe do this at 1pm.
  • I would love people to bring their WIP.
  • I’m bringing donations that have been provided; we can equip anyone who is new to embroidery as well as those who are looking for inspiration
  • Suggestions welcome

Ascelin, Guild Mistress

Solar at An Tir West War XXXVI

Solar at An Tir West War XXXVI published on No Comments on Solar at An Tir West War XXXVI

Hello my Fierce, Stabby Friends. There is plenty to do at the upcoming war. Here’s a link to classes and schedule:

There is a solar Fri, Sat & Sun after classes in the A&S pavilion. I’d like to meet and hang out, but I don’t want to undermine the teachers or A&S officers. Plus there seem to be a lot of scheduled activities for courts and after court. I’m winging this, so my suggestion is that we could have a coffee date at the A&S pavilion (wherever that turns out to be) on Saturday at 9 am. We might end up standing around in a fire lane, but it would be great chance to meet in person and connect and hopefully by Saturday we’ll know where the A&S pavilion is. Other suggestions welcome. I’m going up Thursday morning and leaving Tuesday.

The reason I’m not suggesting my camp for a formal get together is that I’m a guest in my camp and I do not want to wear out my welcome before I even show up. That said, I’m not going home until Tuesday and it looks like the main event winds down on Sunday and a lot of people are pulling out on Monday. I will check with my camp masters and see about hosting an afternoon of art and chatting on Monday for those of you who are not departing. I should know by our coffee date.

Happy Stitching.

Autumn Crown, 2019

Autumn Crown, 2019 published on No Comments on Autumn Crown, 2019

Hello West Kingdom Needleworkers Guild!

Autumnal Crown approaches!!

We have delightful news! Ascelin Meere of Ravenslocke (Denise Sullivan) will be hosting the West Kingdom Needleworkers Guild Salon (and leading the Business Meeting in my stead) at 11:30am on Saturday of Crown, at her personal day-shade! Catch up on the latest news about Rose Pouches, the future of the Royal Napkin project and finances of the West Kingdom Needleworkers Guild. All the newest information! Remember to bring your own chair, any libations or clean-finger nibbles you’d enjoy sharing and your latest project. If you have a lap frame, please bring it for her class on Opus Anglicanum!

Ascelin has a marvelous day of Salon planned, beginning at 11 am, with a trestle and slate frame available so passers-by can experience how embroidery was created centuries ago. Please invite your stitch-curious friends to stop by and visit! It’s an accessible and unique opportunity to experience the artistry that is embroidery.

Ascelin will be leading a class on stitches used in the Opus Anglicanum at her Salon (11am, on-going). While she has supplies for 10 people, there are only 6 lap-frames. Please plan to bring a lap frame if you have one! (and your readers for close-work!) Extra supplies, especially silks, are always welcomed.

Have a Joyous Crown and until we meet again, may your needles always fly true!

Embroidery by Ascelin Meere of Ravenslocke (Denise Sullivan) using underside couching and silk shading.

March Crown, 2019 Salon

March Crown, 2019 Salon published on No Comments on March Crown, 2019 Salon

Hello West Kingdom Needleworkers Guild members!

March Crown approaches this coming weekend and with it, a chance to gather together and let our needles fly while watching our friends in shiny steel whack about on things. Sit in the shade ericside and catch up on the latest Needleworking projects and news with me! Look for us in Westermark’s pavilion on the List Field. The Needleworkers Salon sign will be out front!

Sabrina de la Berre will give an update on Rose Pouch creation (if you’re working on the latest Rose Pouch, won’t you bring it along to show us all?) The Royal Napkin project remains leaderless, so you’ll want to hear the latest on that, and we’ll be discussing receipt reimbursements as well as the 2020 War Cloak. I will be looking for someone to advise me on Viking Embroidery, so if that is your love, come and set next to me so we might draw on things and talk stitching.

Remember your chair and we’ll see you on the List Field this Saturday for an hour, when First Round begins! Until we meet, may your needle fly true!

Heidi – Guild Mistress

October Crown, 2018 Salon!

October Crown, 2018 Salon! published on No Comments on October Crown, 2018 Salon!

Hello fine West Kingdom Needleworkers!!!

October Crown is upon us and we are delighted to have a chance to gather once more at Salon, where we work on projects together for a couple hours while sharing news of goings-on.

This Crown, we’ll be meeting in the A&S pavilion at the corner of the List Field, (or hosted by household on the list field). Look for the Salon sign immediately after Invocation and then for the next two hours, and join us. Please remember your chair.

The Guild is looking for someone willing to organize the Royal Napkins project, to step up immediately. Responsibilities include sourcing the napkins, ensuring each reign is covered and delivering or helping the Needleworker deliver their work. Please let me know if this is you.

I’m so looking forward to seeing everyone again at October Crown!

Heidi – Guild Mistress

June Crown, 2018

June Crown, 2018 published on No Comments on June Crown, 2018

Hello my Needle-wielding Compatriots!!

Your adoring Guildmistress here with information about Salon at June Crown. While our fine artists are fully capable of accomplishing the most remarkable embroidery while enduring impossible conditions, let’s not request it, shall we? Weather reports promise 105 degrees on Saturday. With this news, I have made the melancholy decision to gently retire our Needleworking Salon until the next event, when hopefully more clement weather will be found.

The brief business meeting portion of Salon will happen here shortly after the weekend so all might participate. If you have news for the business meeting, please update me in a pm and it will be included.

While I shall miss all your faces gathered around our linens, silks and wools, we shall have to content ourselves with fond remembrances for this once.

I look forward to seeing you all at the next Salon!!

March Crown is upon us!! 2018

March Crown is upon us!! 2018 published on No Comments on March Crown is upon us!! 2018

This weekend, the West Kingdom Needleworkers Guild will host Salon at West Kingdom Crown! Salon begins after Invocation and continues until Semi-Finals. Bring your needlework and current work to show us all as we visit and work on our various projects. Needleworker Guild business updates will be shared shortly after Invocation, so be sure to make the first part of Salon, or miss out!

We’re delighted to announce that a class in Beginning Embroidery will be led by Katherine de Langelei at the Salon. This is a free class, open to everyone. If you have a project you’re stuck on, come to class! Would you like to make a Favor, but don’t know how to get started? Come to class! It’s free and we’re friendly (please bring a seat to sit upon.)

After Invocation, look for the Salon Sign on the List Field at our Patroness Catherine of Wessex’s Dragonwing and be welcomed!

Online This-is-Not-Crown Salon! 2017

Online This-is-Not-Crown Salon! 2017 published on No Comments on Online This-is-Not-Crown Salon! 2017

Hello my fellow Needleworkers.
Welcome to our Online This-is-Not-Crown Salon! Please take a moment to ply your needle while information on needleworking goings-on is shared!

The ever-lovely Sabrina (Robin Berry) has Rose Pouches well in hand. The March Rose Pouch is being created by Kim Gallagher with Heidi Woordhuis beginning on the next. Interested in what it takes to make a Rose Pouch? Visit the Files section on our WKNG page and read all about it, then get in touch with Sabrina. She is very responsive to Rose Pouch information requests.

A request has come in from Regalia for new royal napkins to replace the old, worn out pair. Liz de Belcaire has taken on that project with Guild thanks.

The Napkin project needs Needleworkers!! If you can embroider, please get in touch with Liz de Belcaire as soon as possible. The last Royals received their napkins, but incoming Royals are lacking an artist to create their napkins. Napkins are provided as well as guidance if you wish. Kindly get in touch with Liz for more information.
Do you have an artistic flair as well as the ability to organize (or even write down a list and not lose it?) The Royal Napkins need an organizer sooner than we hoped. Liz is happily (for her. We’re a little peeved by the thought) moving north, out of the West (soon, but not quite yet) and seeks someone to take over organizing the Napkin artistry. If you Know People, this would be a terrific low-stress volunteer position to take on. Please step forward, talk to Liz and accept our admiration!

Lastly, we have distressing news to report. Vashti (ElizaBeth Gilligan) has lain her needles down and succumbed to cancer in mid-October. Vashti was a talented author, enthusiastic needleworker, lover of life and gentlewoman with a huge heart who was always willing to help anyone. She leaves the world a much poorer place for her absence. We shall all miss not just her art, but also her great heart, tremendously. Peace is yours now, Vashti.

Thus concludes our online Salon. May your needles fly true until we meet again.

Heidi – Minister

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