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Message from the incoming Guild Mistress

Message from the incoming Guild Mistress published on No Comments on Message from the incoming Guild Mistress

Greetings my Fierce, Stabby Friends!

You will see that I tend to post things in waves. I can neither confirm nor deny this is related to work avoidance. Also, I will strive to be less wordy in the future.

I’m looking forward to serving this group after June Crown. I hope you reach out to me with suggestions, feedback, etc because I’m here to create/foster a space for you.

I have to consult the charter for specifics, but I think we can agree our group is focused on doing/teaching needlework with an emphasis on learning about its history. There might even be a blurb about preserving that knowledge for those who follow us. There is much to learn and to explore and it’s a very exciting time because as a result of the pandemic, there’s even MORE available on-line. Many teaching institutions have developed on-line virtual courses, too. This is a small silver lining as a result of a global tragedy.

You should know that I have a sunshade and I’m not afraid to use it. My shade is an art-haven for the curious and I’m very inclusive, not exclusive. In my shade you will find weavers, leather-workers, jewelers, metal smiths, cooks, poets, etc.

I plan to fly the needlework banner as soon as I get it. However, in addition and on the suggestion of one Beltane guest, I’m going to make a sandwich board type of sign that says something like “Art, Discussion & Classes here, Enquire Within.” (Suggestions on wording welcome, volunteers for making sign “welcomer” ha ha ha). This is so that people who are new to the West Kingdom or new to the SCA will have a chance to find us immediately without having to decode banners.

With this in mind:

First, I’m encouraging everyone to come find me at in-Kingdom events to hang out all day (or until you’re bored to tears). Bring a chair, bring projects, bring show-and-tell, bring your wish-list of what you want to do, bring that “thing” that you just figured out, bring your humor and listen to some recitation, etc. Please be prepared to share how you got into the SCA and what keeps you in, etc. It will be fun.

Second, Specific to this Guild, I’m going to set up some Events in the Group Calendar so that we can have some targeted activities at the events and start organizing. Details will be filled in closer to the event, eg, classes, round tables, etc. Right now it serves to let you know that I’ll be there and you will be able to see it updated.

Third, What do you want to do at events as a group? I am certainly willing and happy to teach, but I get tired of my own voice. I would like to see what people want to learn and solicit willing teachers from our pool. I am going to put together a wish list of classes and then get a list of teachers who are available to teach. That will be forthcoming.

Fourth: Help me learn about you! If you got this far in this post, then please post a reply on Facebook with

  1. your SCA name, how long you’ve been playing and where you live.
  2. What you are currently stitching on
  3. In 1 sentence, why do you do needlework?

Ascelin Meere of Ravenslocke, Guildmistress

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